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Standard Bank - Good move
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Trishanta Srikissoon made a good move when she joined the PBB Risk Programme in February 2014. Read her story to find out more:

"Friday the 13th is known as a day of bad luck where everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. But for me, it was a day of good luck!

I remember the tension, the anxiety. It was a day spent at lectures, and when my lectures were over, I was a ball of nerves; it was D-day after all. Other applicants for the PBB Risk Programme had already received their phone calls. Thoughts flooded my mind; was I going to get the opportunity of a lifetime? The call came moments before I was about to leave campus. I was IN! Now, I’m generally a calm and collected person but after I got the news that I had been accepted for the graduate programme I was bouncing around with happiness. That phone call, was the start of something great!

The first two weeks at induction and training were amazing! I have learned so much about the bank, its people, and myself. For one, Standard Bank is truly committed to growing its employees, and to growing Africa. The captains of our ship are passionate, inspiring, and above all, humble. I still remember Funeka Montjane’s two nuggets of advice; ‘never forget that we are here to make a difference’ and ‘at times, relationships can get you further than work itself’. Sim Tshabalala offered equally though provoking insights indicating that ‘the most successful people are those who stick around and stick it out’ and that ‘strength of character is important. You have to have integrity, internal consistency, perseverance and a strong set of values’. Wise words indeed.

Clearly, it is all about the right attitude – and the people that I have met thus far have it. Everyone is warm and welcoming, and open to giving insight and advice. At Standard Bank we grow together. I felt it at the induction week and I still feel it today as we move into the business – Standard Bank is family; a community. After all, how often do Chief Executives take time out just to talk to incoming grads? Not often, but at Standard Bank they do!

Standard Bank’s future is bright and I am going to be part of it. It really was a good move."

Applications for 2015 open on 1 April 2014 at
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