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We've launched Reset Warrants, a derivative with added investment security
Standard Bank Team
Super Contributor

Standard Banks Group’s new product, called Reset Warrants, is designed to give investors added security when dealing in the warrant market.

A Reset Warrant is a derivative, meaning that its value is derived from another underlying asset. Reset Warrants differ from Vanilla Warrants in that they have a pre-determined reset dates in which the strike price of the warrant could change in an investor’s favour. Reset Warrants are available as call warrants listed over individual indices traded on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Limited (JSE).

Reset Warrants are ideal for investors who would like a second chance if an anticipated move does not happen as expected and the market moves against their position. Prior to the reset date, Reset Warrants will lose their value at a slower rate than Vanilla Warrants when the market moves against investors, but once the reset date has passed, Reset Warrants behave like Vanilla Warrants.

Due to these factors, Reset Warrants can assist investors in overcoming some of the risks associated with timing their entry into the market.
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