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Where/How To Do Money Ritual In Lagos By Joining Occult Society Call 07087065680 For Rituals Nigeria

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We are blessed brothers from The Guardians of Age Ebutalium Brotherhood. The secret heart of this brotherhood offers all initiate members, growth, wealth, fame, power, prosperity and success in all areas of heart desires. We are here to liberate those who need wealth, riches, power, prosperity, protection and success in all ramification. It does not involved the use of any human sacrifices, early personal death or hurting of loved ones and membership is free.

We are a group of strong brothers who came from different walks of life for the purpose of alleviating the sufferings of our people Ebutalium Brotherhood are most probably the most well known secret society in the world.
For years the world economy has functioned on the premise: To get ahead you have to step on those around you. You are on your own, struggling to keep your head above water. This is what this gross misinformation with which we had been raised has led us to, to misery, uncaring and wanting.
Secret Societies protect their members, protect what is dear and precious to them through secrecy, because if the rest find out, these sacred things including the truth will also be destroyed.
Ebutalium Brotherhood is not for Everyone, But we might be Right for you! We are Seeking our Dark Brothers and Sisters who have heard the call to come Home to the Ebutalium Family!
For those fortunate applicants of interest whom will be chosen to join the succeeding family of Ebutalium, you will learn the untold secrets that few have ever known existed! The Ebutalium rituals for securing Wealth, Health, Love, Lust and Power that none outside of this family have ever been taught and never will…

The Ebutalium Brotherhood is an elite organization of world leaders that operates above geographical and political restrictions for the benefit of the human species. While our daily operations remain confidential for the safety of our members, we strive to create a better understanding between us and those we have been entrusted to protect.

Ebutalium Brotherhood is not for everyone, but if you think we are right for you, we welcome you. We are not a fan club, a pen-pal society, or a lonely hearts group. We are a group of dynamic individuals who stand forth as the ultimate underground alternative—the Alien Elite. We realize what we have, what we are, and what we shall become. Our scope is unlimited, and the extent of your involvement is based upon your own potential. All names and addresses are held in strict confidence and you are under no obligation as a Registered Member, unless you choose to present yourself for further consideration. registration into The Ebutalium Brotherhood is free, no fee is required.
Our order remain the only order that continues to provide long distance initiation where no temple is nearby. if you seek the light of hidden wisdom, if you are sincere and want to learn advance teachings traditional to the classical Brotherhood and if you seek fraternal friendship with other sincere like-minded people from Nigeria, Ghana and around the world, then the Ebutalium Brotherhood is prepared to serve your desire to grow in light, wisdom, magic and as far as your aspiration will take you.
Ebutalium Brotherhood have the powers and formulas to keep a steady flow of money coming through your doors and includes wealth-drawing, and to bring riches into your own life and ultimately get whatever it is you want out of your success.
Ultimately, achieve whatever you want to your life or career. Imagine yourself never having to worry about money, again – having all the wealth you will ever need and enjoying the fruits of your successful endeavors.
Looking for a job promotion?
A pay raise?
A business of you own?
instant riches; power,fame, protection or
Maybe you would like a lifetime of leisure and relaxation – knowing that you need never work, again.
Don’t miss this opportunity!

Ebutalium Brotherhood occult is here to firmly assure you that you can get rich without any evil ritual, that you can get rich without killing your mother, father, brother, sister, uncle or a poor child on the street. It is real and don’t have any side effect. Try it now and see. Take that bold step to your world of riches. call (+234 805 032 5488) Ebutalium temple toady and state what you want and how you want it. The solution is at your door step. You don’t need to be in debts and always borrow, let people now come and borrow from you. your wealth is in your palms and Your destiny is in your hands

organization of The Ebutalium Brotherhood is now complete and we are again accepting new Members. While Full Membership is still available only to a chosen few by invitation, we are extending a general invitation to join The Ebutalium Brotherhood through a probationary membership. This allows us time to get to know you and for you to have the opportunity to test and prove the Brotherhood for yourself.

The Ebutalium Brotherhood is the only organization of its kind in the world today, a real secret society for real people. It does not restrict its membership solely to those born into wealth, privilege and power, but opens the doors of fraternal friendship to those who desire and need most to overcome the limitations of their past circumstances.
Through superior knowledge and an organized Ebutalium Brotherhood of power, we shall each and everyone of us attain to wisdom, wealth and success.
WEALTH – POWER – SUCCESS – For All Members, obtained and shared though the Ebutalium Brotherhood’s secret knowledge and hidden circles of power — these are our aims.
The Ebutalium Brotherhood teaches a secret system of power, hidden knowledge and united brotherhood which can raise the poorest and most humble of men into the ranks of the rich and powerful, and achieve even the most impossible dream.
The venerable sages of ancient times taught that if two or more people would unite their inner forces, together they could conquer the world, even though alone they might be weak and powerless. Joining forces, we become Stronger United, and can achieve great things which we cannot obtain alone.
The Ebutalium Brotherhood offers the bonds of brotherhood to anyone with a brave heart and a daring spirit who will cast their fortunes with us. We will lead you upon the path to power and a brave new life filled with golden opportunities, friends, money and success.

Are you unhappy with your present financial situation?
Would you like more money?
Would you like a better job, a raise or a promotion?
Are there things you would like to buy, but you need more money?
Do you want to be surrounded by other successful and wealth people?
Would you like to never have to worry about having enough money, again?
Here’s the opportunity to end your money problems forever…join Ebutalium brotherhood today to end it all, we are the solution to your problem and you will never complain once you have become our member.
for more information and inquiry on how to become a member contact us.

This being known, find a place fit and proper for his evocation, according to the nature of the planet and the quality of the offices of the same spirit. For example, if his power be over the sea, rivers or floods, then choose a place on the shore.
In like manner, choose a convenient time, both for the quality of the air, which should be serene, clear, quiet and fitting for the spirits to assume bodies, and for the quality and nature of the planet, day or night.
These things being considered, let there be a magic circle framed at the place elected, as well for the defense of the master as for the confirmation of the spirit. In the circle itself there are to be written the general divine names, and those things which do yield defense unto us; the divine names which do rule the said planet, with the offices of the spirit himself; the names, finally, of the good spirits which bear rule and are able to bind and constrain that spirit which you intend to call. If you would further fortify your circle, you may add characters and pentacles agreeing to the work. So also, and within or without the circle, you may frame the seal of the spirit.
Moreover, the operator is to be provided with lights, perfumes, unguents and medicines compounded according to the nature of the planet and spirit, which do agree with the spirit. The operator can also be furnished with holy and consecrated things for the defense of the master and his fellows. Such are holy papers, laments, pictures, pentacles, swords, scepter and garments.
When all these are provided, the master and his fellows being in the magic circle, and all those things which he uses, let him say the conjuration with a loud voice and a convenient gesture and countenance.
Let him then rest a little, looking about him to see if any spirit do appear, which if he delay, let him repeat his conjuration as before, until he has done it three times. If the Spirit be still pertinacious and will not appear, let him begin to conjure him with divine power, but in such a way that all the conjurations and commemorations do agree with the nature and offices of the spirit himself. Reiterate the same three times, from stronger to stronger, using objurgations, contumelies, cursing and punishments.
after all the courses are finished, again cease a little, and if any spirit shall appear, let the master turn towards him, receive him courteously, and, earnestly entreating him, let him require his name. Then proceeding further, let him ask whatsoever he will.
But if in anything the spirit shall shew himself obstinate or lying, let him be bound by convenient conjurations, and if you still doubt of any lie, make outside the circle, with the consecrated sword, the figure of a triangle or pentacle, and compel the Spirit to enter it. If you would have any promise confirmed upon oath, stretch the sword out of the circle, and swear the Spirit by laying his hand upon the sword.
Then having obtained of the Spirit that which you desire, or being otherwise contented, license him to depart with courteous words, giving command unto him that he do no hurt. If he will not depart, compel him by powerful conjurations, and, if need require, expel him by exorcism and by making contrary fumigation.

When he is departed, go not out of the circle, but stay, making prayer for your defense and conservation. All these things being orderly performed, you may depart.But if your hopes are frustrated, and no spirit will appear, yet for this do not despair, but, leaving the circle, return again at other times, doing as before. And if you shall judge that you have erred in anything, then you shall amend by adding or diminishing, for the constancy of reiteration does often increase your authority and power, and strikes terror into the spirits, humbling them to obedience. call now for more info +234 805 032 5488