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BAN Georgem

Super Contributor
hi s, keeping my head down to avoid the shrapnel from the can always debate with georgem?
0 Kudos
Super Contributor
Do we really have to ban him? Can't we just torture him a bit?
0 Kudos
Super Contributor
Why only a little a bit? (did I mention its nice to have you around the place again B)
0 Kudos
Not applicable
Georgey, the m at the end of your name, it is martinus, marike or masikulu.
0 Kudos
Super Contributor
I think steelhead should go and work at the Landbank (or Eskom?) for 6 months....or any govt. dept of your choice....I am sure you will be transformed when you report back...
0 Kudos
Super Contributor
Amazing how many times political sensitivities surface on this Forum. It speaks volumes of the great divide amongst citizens,and the fractured nature of the Country.
0 Kudos
Super Contributor
this is what happens when you have a complete and utter lack of leadership and vision and the governing(?) party is occupying itself with petty politicking with absolutely no concern for what happens to the country...if you don't like it, leave!!??
0 Kudos
Super Contributor
Yes, these issues surface because they have a profound impact on the economy and hence our currancy and our stock market. so, therefore, they will certainly be raised every time.
0 Kudos
Super Contributor
. . . utter lack of leadership and vision and the governing(?) party is occupying itself with petty politicking with absolutely no concern for what happens to the country. . . . sounds like the US at the moment, not to mention the UK. Imagine a world where we have Zuma and the US has Palin. And the Brits already have Brown.
0 Kudos
Not applicable
B, you have to include Mugabes and Zim on the list
0 Kudos
Super Contributor
...and people at a ground level have comparable everyday experiences? What makes the news there, doesn't even feature in local community newspapers!! Rape, robbery and murder is par for the course quickly we adjust our values and norms...
0 Kudos
Super Contributor
Have you all noticed the volume of top exec's ,from listed coy's, that are bailing out ? This trickle I fear, might become a torrent, if a Zuma presidency becomes a reality !!!
0 Kudos
Not applicable
A question for the die-hard believers of our current situation: How many companies would be BEE compliant now if they had had a choice. Im not sure what the Oxford definition of the word Compliant is, but it will certainly point to something like "Forced,Have to, Must " etc, otherwise face the consequences , which i assume are pretty threatening if everyones complying. I suppose you d never really get that answer from any exec out of fear of being Rightist and flying in the face of politeness.These are simply things people condone cause "Its the right thing to say ". Nevermind your true feelings.
0 Kudos
Super Contributor
Must say ,I'm with you on that score Geo.
0 Kudos
Regular Contributor
Ja nai, after generations of apartheid, it's easier to see them as cleaning staff rather than shareholders. Shame on them ...
0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor
it is widely recognised by most top ceos that diversity in the workplace leads to improved performance
0 Kudos
Super Contributor
The apartheid excuse,is not just a tired one ,it's actually now a Ghost,that some prefer to keep alive,to blame all our Country's ills on.If fourteen years under ANC rule ,has been this poor,no amount of time or lame excuses,will change anything !
0 Kudos
Not applicable
That actually refers to optional diversity vs forced. Not very convincing im afraid.
0 Kudos
Regular Contributor
So you recon 14 years is enough to reverse the damage made by apartheid? 40 years of feeding them gutter education, while we build the country on their sweat and in 14 years they're supposed to be equals? 14 years and we still have racists among us?
0 Kudos
Super Contributor
BRE - so you reckon,the ANC's education programme,is way better than the old one ? You reckon this Govt. has the leadership and the quality of personell to be an overwhelming sucsess ? I suppose you also believe that charges against Zuma should be dropped ? How many more years you reckon we can blame Apartheid ? Do you really believe the plight of the blackman ,is any better under the ANC ? Do you reckon they even care a hoot about these folk, cause they sure dont show it.So give us a timeframe ,when things will all sorted ,and this govt. will deliver !!
0 Kudos