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Massive loss to economy from teacher strike? Home schooling?

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Loss of education (no teachers, etc) can cause losses in the billions. Home schooling has sprung up in South Africa. In USA there are home schooling yahoo groups. Could this become a bigger trend - television classes. I must say Yahoo groups on subjects such as maths are sometimes excellent with people giving a few answers to one posed question - no lack of solutions to problems. Few have computers, so only a partial solution.
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In true african style we have pretty much wiped out all the gains in image and business we made during the world cup in a matter of weeks of strike action with everyone from motor to teachers downing tools...
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Quick question - is the goverment not planning for things like this well in advance?, because my wife is a hospital nurse and they have been promised some kind of adjustments to their salaries about two years ago - still no adjustment and only an annual salary increase of roughly 6%. Then you want to ask yourself - is that fair. So the people must not be unhappy. Government needs to get it's priorities straight otherwise they are in for a thing.
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How on earth can you expect an increase at more than double the rate of inflation. Its not happening in the private sector so where do they think the government is going to get the money. Better start printing more money I think...
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Then don't promise what you can't deliver!
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I think hospital nurses are getting far less than teachers. Have heard that teachers start at R9000 a month. Is it that high, because a starting salary of R900 seems not too bad to me
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sorry Meant a starting salary of R9000 seems not too bad
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Received an email from the Education Department a few hours ago saying they were looking into my idea of forming Yahoo Groups as they do in the USA. Yahoo groups is good for starting an investing group, etc. Questions and answers are sent to all members. Can start one up in minutes. I started within minutes, for example - you will see a Start Your Own Group at top if you go to
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