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Mercury Retrograde - A look in the rearview

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So,.. That time already, Mercury is near on done its apparent reversal motions and well well well,.. Glad i called it in advance for the forumites here at OST,.. Sure Richardw is going to toss in his 2c worth, but there you have it folks, history as my proofs, classic Mercury retro action these last few weeks, what a sequence of abberative events, Black swans if you ask me,.. July thru August is going to be one hell of a tense period!!!
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So dixie has Mecury retro grade finished?
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Noop,. By the 12th May or so,.. Should see final moves regards by the 17th May,.. If sell in May, then 17th would be my start prediction,.. My word though what a period already,. Gulf of Mexico mayhem,..
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You got to know John,. we have some planets racked up at present,.. July through August is going to be one heck of a hummdinger,. given we have already seen so much these last few years and really we are more focusing on July thru August 2010,. so really, seeing all this chaos already, one has to wonder,. my word,. and there's more to come!?!?! - ouch
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Also John,. you heard me mention initially how a price range would change and i said Taurus, earth signs,. but possibly not banks as those are more Capricorn etc etc, i pointed more toward cosmetics,.. Well well, What a fool of me,. Taurus is COPPER, the cosmetic metal of the ages,.. wowowowow!?!?! so been a real hit there,..
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