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TOP warrants

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Can someone help me here please. What are the TOP warrants based on? It says ALSI. Would that be the ALSH or the TOPI? Thanks.
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Based on TOPI
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Thanks zarp. Trying to pluck up the courage to have a bash at warrants. Have a feeling I might burn my fingers here but am feeling more confident on the share trading side. My later trades have not been too bad. The first attempts ..... well as they say you have to pay school fees!
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Z : Yes.Expensive.Me knows.But Glad.Worth all the Hours.No better Job on the Planet.Best of.
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Thnaks. Most fascinating this market watching and very inexplicable at times. Would be nice to make some real money. The shares I've sold have made some, but am still holding real dogs at a loss from way back. Find that selling is the most difficult decision. Would have made a lot more on some shares if I had of held on. But then of course there are the odd ones where it was a good decision to have sold at that time. Also often the share I buy seems to go down just after! Ah well, the name of the game.
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Z : Point and Figure Charts will sort that.
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Valued Contributor
they are actually priced off the near dated futures contract that is called the ALSI, as apposed to the all share index (also called ALSI). For barrier purposes the Top40 (TOPI) spot price is used.
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Thanks Simon. Where would one find the ALSI or is it not that important - perhaps watching the TOPI to see which direction things are moving generally?
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Valued Contributor
well ys the topi gives you direction and is most likely what you arwe charting. Delayed futures at
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