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Who's to blame and what can be done about it ??

Super Contributor
I am reluctant to air this view and will try not to offend. Point is that our economy has taken some blows lately. And even though it might be cyclical and even though the US of A more or less dictates what's to expect internationally, our own mr Tito M has a role played in a prominent way in the micro S A environment. My question: is'nt it time Mr Tito gets called to the red carpet and asked to explain why his economic model is turning into a disaster? The country suffers and his economic leadership is as bad as Escom's planning ahead and Mbeki's lack of political leadership. Economists and bankers, the one as bad/good as the other, are non committal in their outlook. Our modern world calls for performance and if the performance is poor, it's time to go. My opinion: it's time to replace the governor. We need a body to focus on economic growth and to stop playing the interest rate to solve this inflation mania. Trevor M has done his bit on the fiscal side but he needs a partner from the broader economic sphere to successfully take this country to places. We endure 6 to 12 months for each interest rate hike to show its effect on the economy. It will take 6 to 12 months and longer to reap benefits from a change in strategy towards real economic stimulation. The sooner it's started, the better, but no, nothing transpires. We need an outcry from the public.
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Author Symonde Fiske did some research and wrote a book called "Our Principle Problem" wherein he postulated that while whites value Honesty above all else in their leaders, blacks value Loyalty.If one accepts his admittedly restricted research, it would explain a lot of puzzling attitudes amongst our present govt. 1. Cover up any and all corruption,incompetance and general bad behaviour so long as the perpetrator is an ANC member. 2. The ANC is an ideology,an amorphous body,without a leader as such;the "leader" is instructed on policy and decisions by the mass caucous. 3. So it doesn't matter who the "leader" is, he will take instruction from Big Brother.It doesn't matter if Zuma is the "leader" he will do what he's told.This also explains why Mbeki couldn't speak out against Mad Bob. 4. No ANC member will ever do the honourable thing and step down when exposed of wrong doing (or simply NOT doing)because no matter how criminal he is ,he is still a loyal member of "The Party".
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Super Contributor
In my opinion, this analysis is spot on; this explains the inability to accept responsibility for individual actions; the more we are able to understand the true differences between people in our country and accept the true reality and not blame it all on racism and colonial exploitation, the sooner we might be able to work together and prosper. Thanks for these inputs.
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Well the Americans are in bigger trouble than we are but instead of calling for their leaders to be lynched, they are sticking it out and fighting the good fight. We should stop complaining and realize that the very country we use as a model is actually in the biggest trouble of them all and dragging us along with it. Pointing fingers and to critisise is always very easy. You think we have bad leaders? Imagine having that idiot George in charge, he and his band of thieves has managed to ruin every political success that Monica's boyfriend and his party has accomplished in their term in office. Did the uninformed, burger munching, beer drinking supersized american ever ask that george and his merry men be dragged to an open inquiry to explain their actions? NO
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Super Contributor
Some decent info, thanks. Your view is that he will not step down out of free will, (and neither will any of the other puppets) which is exactly my point: we must stand together, my brother, and demand that they vacate their precious offices. If we want to be one, something/someone in plural form must break this 'loyalty' concept, because this is not about being popular, it is about appointing a true (banker/economic) leader.
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In my opinion, those who use the US as a model to follow is in much bigger trouble than they could dream of. This is Africa where actions, standards, values are different to the rest of the world.
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Super Contributor
The point is NOT to follow the U S of A or any of them yankees, nor try to excuse sloppyness because them overseas people seem to untouchable. We in S A must muster to solve our own problems. There is an old saying to look after one's pennies, the pounds will look after themselves. This illustrates that we South Africans as a small player should get our act going and part thereof is to get rid of sloppy leaders, wherever, whatever.
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In Africa the power of the gun is big. The bigger the gun and the more the quantity the easier to be and stay in power. So called leaders in Africa do not step down; they are shot down.
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True SKALA. Our previous goverment made that very clear, mowing down political opponents and invading neighbouring states at will. But we are on this forum not to discuss politics but to try and beat the markets tomorrow. Any ideas???
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My 2c. Firstly Tito is actually doing a good job. He is basically using the macro economic tools that are available to him. The twin evil "Inflation vs. Interest" will always be around. My solution. 1. Firstly the gov should release some of the many million of rand sitting the petrol equalization fund to either finance Eskom and not pass the buck onto consumer thereby fueling ongoing inflation or secondly use that bloody fund to drop the price of petrol and thereby easing inflationary cost associated with high transport cost. 2. Secondly the gov should sell off some of its net gold reserve on the open market to once again finance Eiskom but the problem with that is the price of gold will decline and once again have a ripple effect on our economy. Although I feel weakening the rand will help our balance of payment and in the long run strengthen the rand. 3. South African should choose their leaders based on the level of education, experience and NOT on Popularity of the masses. I am certainly not in favor of Jacob Zuma because I think he is weak. 4. There should only be 2 political parties either ANC or DP, instead of all the minor parties that split our votes. My solution .. I would love TITO to be our next president. Enough of being intelligent.
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You make very sound points. I too am not a fan of Jacob. I think he was a puppet in a Xhosa party to get the Zulu vote and instead the press made him more popular than everyone else, its not like his antics could escape their attention for too long anyways. I would have really liked Cyril Ramaphosa as our next president. He has everything our country needs in a leader. I just wish he answers the call and realises that SA needs his leadership abilities. By the way, how long do you guys think the banks are gonna continue this wonderfull run??? I have to get a money question in somewhere. LOL
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Well, if you want to move the market, us a big enough gun and shoot the correct so called leader/leaders and with inside info, you will make a killing!!
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I do have RMH stock, but i am not really interested in them at the moment. I feel that the price i paid for it is fair taking into account the P/E ratio and other ratios. More of a long term investment.
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Look, I have sat through many a lecture listening to the negative economics and politics of this country. Its all fine and well to gripe, but unless you plan on overthrowing the government via a revolution, whats the point? Its all wasted effort. Just trade the economic indicators and the price long or short. That is what we are here for right?. Sure, we have to endure the price increases, but come on, your basic investments are surely meant to beat inflation, petrol or otherwise. Chatty, you're looking at this the wrong way.
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Preston I see that the gains made by the banks esp FSR is huge. I think that a profit take could be tempting to many as the US is not doing too well and the Rand is doing silly things, I saw 7.92 earlier and now its on 8. It will be great if this run could hold and bigger gains could be had by next week, but maybe its wishfull thinking on my part.
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Your post says it all Preston. Absolutely true
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Super Contributor
Hi, Guys. Responses make good sense. This is why there is a forum, although this thread does not directly contain share and trade related considerations. Roman: yeah, but take into account - the purpose of my reluctantly posted thread is to postulate that someone in the top echelon should take blame for the state of affairs. Granted, consumers in this country does not act according to pure economic theory 'resistance in willingness to buy when prices are at unacceptable high levels', and are furthermore not famous for their savings strategy, thus a soaring VPIX. But I blame Tito - if he's not to blame, then carry me out - and if one's to blame then one must step down or be fired. I'm calling for him to step down and I'm calling for a change in strategy to control the inflationary trend.
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What policy changes would you like to see.
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Super Contributor
Mr C, i disagree with your statement with TITO. If anyone has to be blame is those guys that speculate on Oil prices and those Rich Arab countries.
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Super Contributor
Boys have you heard of the econmic tipping point for oil.. go watch a film called " The end of suburbia" then be afraid, be very afraid.
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