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Zim Meltdown

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But a leader who got a standing ovation from the other "leaders" in Tanzania last year including from the South African delegation. Ominous for the future!
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Here's a Zim joke for you [I'm always the last to hear a joke, but here it is...] A guy stops at a traffic light in Harare, and someone approches him with a sign that says: "contributions please". The beggar says: "the president has been kidnapped, and if the ransom is'nt paid, the kidnappers will soak him with petrol and burn him alive". The motorist replys: "how much do you want?" Beggar: "Ag, a litre or two will do..."
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Super Contributor
Zimbabwe issues higher bank note to fight inflation By Nelson Banya HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe's central bank will issue a higher denomination bank note on Wednesday (1 Aug 2007) to cope with the hyperinflation ravaging the southern African country. President Robert Mugabe's government lopped three zeroes off the local currency a year ago but Zimbabweans still need to carry huge wads of cash for basic transactions. In a statement on Tuesday, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe said a $200,000 note would come into circulation from August 1. Currently, the highest banknote in circulation is Z$100,000. The new note is worth one U.S. dollar on Zimbabwe's black market for foreign currency and about $13 at the official rate. The IMF said on Tuesday Zimbabwe's year-on-year inflation rate could top 100,000 percent by the end of the year.
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