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Mondi true value.

Super Contributor
Ok I know I am going on about this but I think its really inportant.Anglo's seperated out mondi and if they did nothing to there own share price the anglos price would drop by 35 mondi shares at market value of R 66 or R2310 per 100 sahres or R23 So to stop this ( 'cos the dirrector get paid in share opptions ) they reduce the number of anglo shares to 91. So it is safe to assume that 9 anglo are valued at R256. But wait there is more... anglo's are trading at R 388 ( average price estimate less divideds for march april and may) and infact on friday were at a value of R409 so were did all the money go... The answer lies in the fact that anglos valued mondi at around R 100 a share or 30 % higher than were its trading now. And remember they did this to protect themselves so I figure BUY MONDI.
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Super Contributor
I agree. I'm gonna hold on to the the MNPs I'm given and add to them so I have a decent holding.
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Super Contributor
I have it from anglos that they valued the 9 angl shares at 27.07 pounds per share @ 14 to the Rand that is R 3410 for 35 mondi's or 97.45 per share. So that at R66 a share it is at a 32% discount to the value the anglo board valued the company at.
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Valued Contributor
ya, lot of sellign for a few reasons. Firstly, Mondi PLC is inward lsited, so only individuals can hold. Any SA company getting the plc ones have to exit. Secondly, a fund manager wons agl as he/she wants a resource asset - not paper. So they also selling. Thirdly an index tracker (Satrix) holds agl in the full quantity but may now have too many mondi and so have to sell mondi to become weighted. Fourthly, some people don't liek mondi. o lots of reasons to sell 9even more then listed here). reasosn to buy? Well most who wanted bougth agl last week to get free shares.

So pressure on sell side.
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Maybe a stupid question but please try to help: At AGL company activities it shows "Mondi" as representing 24.15% of AGL assets. Does this not mean that MND value is something like R446.00 x 24% = R107.64? Or is MND and MNP worth R107.64 combined?
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Valued Contributor
Tuco, you can't do a direct analysis like that as it depends how many mondi shares in issue vs. how many agl shares in issue. You're assumign it is the same number, unlikely.
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Thanks Simon. I wonder if the guys at SFM are interested in doing a valuation for us some time?
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Super Contributor
Tuco you are spoy on as it was one for one on the MPLC then there was a share consolidation 1-4 creating the MND MNP shares. so yes the value is some were between 107- 97 but not at 66
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john, maybe you can tell me where/how I can find the market value and no of shares of AGL as at Friday 29 June? (I'm not sure using 2 July x 1/0.91 works out right)
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