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Reckless TAXI drivers..reccomendations?

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Can anyone reccomend medication a can take to calm my nerves, after driving to and from work. I drive Kempton-Tembisa-Allandale route. I'm busy building a paint capsule projectile launcher that I would launch enamel paint filled bags through the air vent of my car onto the backwindow of an Hi-ace superJ, Siyaya, Inyati or Quantum Taxis. Other therapy ive tried was to keep them from pushing in infront of me after they skipped the que by means of the yellow line and so try to make them angry..didnt work(R600 to rubicon panelbeaters yay). Any of you have better plans to cure my phsycological disease?
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Drive in the fast line till you get to Allendale offramp.
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I see anyone jumping that allandale offramp que AND taxis in the same light.
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At least you are not the victim anyone. You are the one that causes the pain.
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iv noticed that usually the passengers find it so amusing when tempers flare because of the bad driving. Hence another motivation for taxi drivers to do that. In my opinion, theres really nothing u can do except tolerate it, until government decides to mayb do sumthing abt it
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Frequent Contributor
just say <@$$#% and pray for forgiveness
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Super Contributor
Bit like complaining about bank charges - buy bank shares!
Buy taxi manufacturers shares, or folks who finance them
Imagine that they (the drivers) love someone and are loved by other folks - makes them just like you :)
Exercise your brain - assign a numeric value to every letter in the alphabet and then see what totals you can get from their number plates eg DEF 123 GP = 4+5+6+1+2+3+7+16=44
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drive a big 4x4. taxis get out of my way, especially when they see a big monster behind them with bullbars
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Keep a stash of rubber snakes in your car. I once threw one through the open "siyaya" window when the driver backchatted me. The occupants broke the back and side windows to get out.
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And the prize goes to Microlighter!
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Super Contributor
Have a vacation in Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan. After that Siyaya will seem like angels from heaven.
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Why, do they chuck u with stones and bombs?
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Super Contributor
Princess Leia (simon Brown) has been to Kazakhstan recently .
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