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Time to short the banks?

Super Contributor
Zarp - your famous plunger was a market-mover. He would literally push the market and see what happened. Your few thousands of some out-the-money option is not going to test the market in any way. DF - get some knowledge quickly, and until then try not to lose too much money. Best way to do that is to trade the primary trend only and keep position-sizes small. The easy money is on the long side, why make it harder for yourself than it needs to be?
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Tango : Hi,Boet.Trust you are well.Just to clarify a point or two.I mentioned Jesse, due to the principle he employed,being,to Test the Mkt when he felt there was a move coming.If you go to the FSR post(where DC and I were involved), you'll see clear entry,exit,stop-loss level etc.3k was put down on the SSF.When stopped out, the Loss was minimal.It's all just Supply and Demand.Support and Resistance.(you know this stuff,as well as I.)... FSR saw Resistance of R25 become Support for the first time, in 2007.All in all, not the worst Short-bet in the world.It will be interesting to see how FSR pushes for the rest of the week.That late-day slump,on Monday, just left one with a Tail-up feeling.We shall see.
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DC :In the USA, the Banks are the leading Indicators for overall Trends..If you like,Go to ### Codes : $BKX...LEH...C...JPM...MER...### Peruse those 60min Point and Figure Charts and especially MER(which gave the earliest warning in Feb2007).###...The Whole Pic spells: Change of Trend and Sellers pushing.I'll be watching our Banks for the same.Maybe, we get another entry-point,heh.Have a good day out there.
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Tango : just by the by...Jesse was NOT a market mover.The Cartels were, in alliance with the JP Morgan banks.Although,I am sure Jesse would have been flattered to hear this.On the contrary,he had to be careful,once known.That's why he used( if I recall) 22 different brokers to Short the 1929 Dow,to remain as invisible as possible.In 2007, it's the same ;The Banks are the market movers because they are the recipients of the lowest-cost Borrowed funds at the Discount window.They can also see everyone's STOPS and run the Golds are perfect examples of this.An illiquid market.Easy to control.Jim Sinclair has the Green Doctrine.He knows these guys well.Worth a read.To see how they do it,specifically
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